Advanced Logistics, Northampton
‘ttc’ were appointed by Advanced Logistics to support a planning application for an extension to their existing site in Northampton.
To support the development, a Pre-Application Scoping Note was submitted to determine the Council’s requirements. Based on the response, a Transport Assessment was prepared, which considered the existing operation of the site, inclusive of the arrival/departure profile, with particular emphasis on shift change over, the number of HGVs generated and the expected up lift based on the floor area extension.
The survey work culminated in the requirement for local junction capacity modelling, which demonstrated that the proposed extension could be satisfactory accommodated on the local highway network.
To further support the development, a Travel Plan was also prepared, which included a staff travel survey. The results of the survey were used to determine the most appropriate measures that would help support sustainable accessibility of the site, which afforded the client with valuable insight into its current operation.