© 2024TTC.
Development by Mark Williamson

Cloich Wind Farm (Partnerships for Renewables)

Our team were responsible for preparing The Traffic and Transport ES chapter for the Cloich Wind Farm development.

The chapter specifically focussed on the impacts of construction traffic on the local highway network and the impacts of logging vehicles used to clear sections of the forest to accommodate the development.

The project required the identification of suitable site access routes, route appraisal, Swept Path Analysis work for abnormal load deliveries and the identification of suitable measures to mitigate against the effects of the construction traffic.

The assessment also considered local road users and sensitive receptors which accord to the guidance set out in the relevant IEMA guidance document ‘Guidelines for the Environmental Assessment of Road Traffic’. The site was subsequently approved and has now been constructed.

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We work with clients and stakeholders from all over the UK, having built strong relationships and delivered successful projects, specifically in the West Midlands, Warwickshire and London areas.
Leamington Spa:
+44 (0)1926 776097
+44 (0)121 661 5968
[email protected]
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