© 2024TTC.
Development by Mark Williamson

Oswestry to Wem (SPEN)

Our team was appointed through the SPEN Framework to prepare a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) to support an application for the removal and renewal of an existing overhead line between Oswestry and Wem.

The works required detailed ‘proformas’ of the proposed access points, which were required at various intervals along the construction corridor. The assessment included consideration of access geometries, visibility splays, traffic volumes and local highway safety considerations.

The proformas were subsequently included within the CTMP, which also specified how the construction traffic would be managed, covering best working practices, management of movements at accesses, signage during construction to direct both the construction team and advise other road users of the ongoing works.

In addition to the above, swept path analysis was conducted at all sensitive locations and a TSRGD Chapter 8 signage strategy was also prepared to address concerns raised by National Highways, who were key stakeholder on the project.

Ready to talk?
We work with clients and stakeholders from all over the UK, having built strong relationships and delivered successful projects, specifically in the West Midlands, Warwickshire and London areas.
Leamington Spa:
+44 (0)1926 776097
+44 (0)121 661 5968
[email protected]
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