© 2025TTC.
Development by Mark Williamson

Warwickshire County Council, Walking and Cycling Improvements to Tow Paths

‘ttc’ were appointed by WCC to provide a review into providing walking and cycling improvements along the Canal Tow Path network in Warwickshire.

The work consisted of providing a methodology to identify the tow paths for improvements. ‘ttc’ developed an assessment methodology which highlighted the tow path sections for improvements.

The assessment consisted of walking surveys over the tow paths to assess the condition, identifying commuting patterns, strava heats maps, indices of multiple deprivation and car ownership levels to pin point the sections of towpaths which would have the most impact for improvement.

A GIS database was produced which assessed the available data and provided a Red, Amber, Green assessment to justify the areas selected for improvement. Preliminary designs were produced for sections of improvement along with costings and funding sources identified to fund the improvements.

A final report has been produced which documents the findings, proposals and funding streams so that it can be submitted as part of any funding bid.

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