© 2025TTC.
Development by Mark Williamson

New University of Peterborough

‘ttc’ were appointed by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) as part of a multidisciplinary project team, to prepare a Transport Assessment and Framework Travel Plan for a new University within Peterborough.

As part of our commission, we have liaised extensively with the highway authority, undertaken data collection and analysis of the city centre car parking asset, liaised with the future Higher Education provider to ensure their processes and preferences are incorporated into the development scheme, worked closely with the project team through Design Team meetings, planning meetings and Project Board meetings, and attended a well-publicised public consultation event. 

The stakeholder engagement has been captured within comprehensive Transport Assessments, which also include Non-motorised User Audits of the city centre, traffic generation potential of the site and junction capacity modelling.

Three separate detailed planning applications have been submitted in support of Phases 1, 2 and 3 and ‘ttc’ have been appointed to support a future Outline Planning Application for the delivery of the future phases. The higher education partner, Anglia Ruskin University, have been a key stakeholder in the planning process and through extensive consultation with the Local Planning and Highway Authority, a scheme to deliver a highly sustainable campus, with significant improvements to accessibility and wider connectivity that addresses ‘transport poverty’, which is a significant regional barrier to accessing education.     

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We work with clients and stakeholders from all over the UK, having built strong relationships and delivered successful projects, specifically in the West Midlands, Warwickshire and London areas.
Leamington Spa:
+44 (0)1926 776097
+44 (0)121 661 5968
[email protected]
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